Friday, January 26, 2007

Its Relational

I just spent a good part of the last two days with the Amor National Advisory Board. What a great group of people with real committment, passion, and vision for Amor. I was again very touched by their deep desire to help our ministry continue to improve. My insight on this years meeting was seeing a real interest in deeping the experience that all our participants have when they work with us in Mexico.

The brain-storming sessions were great too. Sheri could hardly keep up with all the ideas as she wrote them down for our future discussions. What's my favorite part? Thanks for asking! Once again, hearing how much they each loved the Amor staff. They love working with, talking with, and just plain spending time with each and all of us. We talked quite a bit about how Amor is all about being missional and relational. Great words. In an article entitled, "The Missional Church" by Jim Thomas, missional is described as moving from missions as an activity in which a few Christians are sent to foreign countries to convert unbelievers, to mission as God’s most basic purpose, intended for all believers. Sounds like what Amor is all about.

Amor Board member Mike McClenehan shared serveral times during our meeting and specifically challenged us to being "missional". If you would like to hear more about this from Mike just click the video link below:

"Relational" is the word I heard that I love the most. I think it really describes the primary characteristic any person working with and for Amor. The team of auditors this week from GLT even mentioned it to me numerous times. They said they loved coming to the Amor office to do the audit because every one at Amor has such a great attitude, they are fun, and really warm. They also mentioned that they do alot of work with other ministries and we really stand out. I think its the key ingredient for why I love getting up in the morning and coming to work. I get to work with the most enjoyable, fun loving, dedicated and committed group of people I have ever know.

So, to the entire staff of Amor Ministries...
I just want to close this entry with saying, THANK YOU......
for making my time on this earth so full of love,
for sharing your lives and valuable time with me,
for your deep and abiding committment to the mission of Christ,
for loving everyone we come in contact with,
for making this so....... much fun!!!!

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