Saturday, June 28, 2008


I was in the Mexico/US border line this week heading home after having spending the evening at Rancho Amor (Tijuana, Mexico) with our Family Camp. While in the border line behind a line of some 50 cars I text messaged Humphrey Birkenstock at Rainbow FM 90.7. I was actually listening to his 7am (Johannesburg time) broadcast and thought he would enjoy knowing that I was listening to him using my wireless card on my laptop. His streaming live broadcast from Johannesburg was coming in over the internet like it was a local Tijuana, Mexico radio station.

Click the picture of me below to hear this broadcast:

Click photo to the left to hear the radio interview.

I am wearing the hat that Humphrey Birkenstock gave me
in South Africa. It says, "Building hope, one home at a time.
South Africa 2008." I also understand that the color
orange signifies "hope" in Africa.


Anonymous said...

El seu plaer d'entendre el teu bloc. Els articles anteriors, és bastant extraordinari, i em va agradar molt llegir el teu bloc i els punts que vostè ha expressat. M'agrada molt a aparèixer de nou sobre una base típica, després de molt més en el tema. Gràcies per compartir ... seguir escrivint!

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