Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We want Chelsea!

One of the pleasures of working with work groups in Mexico is watching them have such a great time with Amor team members. Yesterday and today I had the pleasure of working with Chelsea with the Correct Craft group. Today we ended the day having built a double wide home in two days. The slab was poured by our Mexican pastors before Correct Craft arrived.
Chelsea left the work site a little after three pm today and the group said they wanted to finish by 5pm. At 4pm we started the second coat of stucco. They wanted to set a record or something silly like that.

I knew they would have to really work hard to do the second coat in one hour (they were exhausted already) so I poured on the enthusiasm. I coached them to move faster!! Mix harder!! Keep the stucco going!! I guess they didn't appreciate it like I thought they would and they started chanting, "Shut up Scott, we want Chelsea! Shut up Scott, we want Chelsea!". No one ever said leadership was easy....or even appreciated. I think I'll just drive across the border and craw onto my favorite couch and feel sorry for myself.

Or...Maybe I'll make a t-shirt that says, "Shut up Chelsea, we want Scott!". Not really. Great job Chelsea. You won their hearts!

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