Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It’s still raining non-stop. We begin the day with prayer, then breakfast and off to Rainbow FM for morning meetings, then off to hunt down building materials. They do things differently here; roofs are mostly metal or of a metal composite, measurements are all metric (you can’t even buy the Imperial system/inches and feet because that is against the law). We’re purchasing rain gear because the forecast is for rain, rain and more rain and we’re purchasing flashlights and batteries because of the national rolling blackouts. Friday is Good Friday and everything will be closing down so we need to have the materials figured out and ordered by Wednesday so they can be delivered on Thursday, to be sure everything is here by Monday for work to commence. During our evening meal we gave thanks and prayed for the rain to stop.

Lauren a beautiful young lady who works at Rainbow FM and who was a finalist on South African Idol sung us a hymn of praise that lifted our hearts.

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